Wednesday, July 23

City Living...

It's always been my dream to own a place of my own, right smack in the city, where all the actions begin and end.

Lounging at home wouldn't be to bad. Imagine to sip a glass of white and enjoy the city lights through the full-height glass windows. How could you complain?

I would then be able to furnish my home the way I like it! Yes, I'm already thinking about the colours of the feature wall in my living area. Likely to be a deep shade of gray with criss-crosses of white strokes on it. And my black sofa with leopard prints throw on it. I probably will go for a very sleek and zen look - (but how is it even possible if I've got heaps of bags, clothes and books to begin with??)

So now, I shall make it a point to practice the importance of delayed gratification to make this dream come true. It ain't too hard to fulfil. All it takes is self-disciplince. I CAN DO IT!

My Chanel has arrived today- hubby has picked it up, and I can't wait for him to get home! No more Chanels till I get to put down my initial deposit for the dream home! =)

And guess what? My 200 bucks purchase from Forever 21 has not gone through- the store wanted me to ring a US number to do verification. I wouldn't care to go through all the troubles for this! Boo~

Watched "Dateline" before and got me pretty keen on Maoism in India. Very interesting coverage, only too brief for one to grasp the complete context, but good enough to set us, the more-fortunate beings, thinking. Lies and perceived democracy, and as what the author said at the TV interview, "the biggest scam of the 21st century". Shall do some research on it, not later, but tommorrow!

But I think most TV audience may be more keen on the tug-of-war between Obama and McCain at the moment =P

Good night for now!

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