Saturday, October 4

Fashion Digs!

I must say that I totally dig the styles from Gossip Girls!

Full photo set available from

Style is a truly an art that I still can't master. I shop for the most mundane things, have a wardrobe bursting with clothes, handbags and shoes, but yet still find myself wearing more or less the same things to work everyday!

Even my new hairdo isn't doing as much magic now, with the lack of time to style it properly every morning.

Or perhaps, I really only wanted a conservative look for work, and didn't bother to put more thoughts to it?

With that combined with the fact that I need to work late and don't have a life at all after work? Not even once in a while? These are enough to kill anything I have in me.

Oh well, I was just chatting with Map, about birthdays. I actually realised that I haven't had a proper celebration for like 3 years since I've been here! I should really be planning for a proper one, call it the quarter-life crisis or whatever. Whatever it takes to fly back and be in the close company of friends and family! =)

Great, one thing to look forward to in life!

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