Saturday, July 7

Back to work

I'm finally back, after what seemed like a long while of disappearance!

I have been busy at work! After all the fun I had with my siblings in Perth, doing crazy shopping and all, I was made to face up with reality the following day. I packed and left for work on Monday morning.

Lotsa drama at work, even in just 2 weeks. I also realised that I'll need to be responsible for new duties like budgeting and doing cashflow forecast. The job is going to be challenging and hectic! But also promising at the same time, if i can survive it all. So, I'm hanging on there, so that i can fulfil my first dream vacation in 2009! *Fingers crossed*

Lucky thing is that accomodation is provided at the hotel. So it's pretty convenient for me to crash after finishing work late at night!