Saturday, August 30

I'm supposed to be studying for my upcoming paper. Of much relevance to what I'm studying ie. marketing management, is brand sucess. I see it in Hermes and Chanel...

So much so that, women like me, who happen to fall within the target market of luxury goods, won't even bat an eyelid, when challenged by the price tags on these beauties:

Yepz, we are talking about some unrealistic, shallow and vain obessions here. While men spend thousands on golf sets and fanciful car accessories, women have other channels for indulgence.

Oh, but wait, talking about golf sets, I saw a pink ladies' set at Golf Box the other day- it's pwwweeety! Hee, but nah, I'm hopeless with golf- I'm amused enough by the infra-red putter gadget we have got at home. My putting is fine on that little machine, but somehow, just not on the actual field =( Not with some experienced golfers who are doing their warm-ups just next to ya!

Sunday, August 24

All the emotions and thoughts that are going on in my head, are the most complex. I just couldn't explain it. It's a bit of feeling isolated, and then confused about who are the trustworthy ones in my life, to the extent of questioning how would I exactly define happiness, and whether I am really happy. Now, I can't be sure what I really want for my life!

Is life about making decisions which are in harmony with your significant other, or doing something that you really wish to do, just to fulfil that wish of your lifetime? Does happiness have to be compromised, or even sacrificed by considering the greater scheme of things for the sake of many others who matter to you? If they are really people who means the world to you, why wouldn't they have already considered how you feel, before pushing you to do things out of your own will?

Someone told me that this is the age where things can be harsh. To step out of your sheltered world and realise that the world is not quite what you think can be quite a shock. And then you begin to adjust and re-align with your real self. Another nightmare hits when you learn more about your real self. You aren't really quite what you think. Now, tell me, does that freak you out?

I still can't explain what's going on in my head. I'm just freaking out I guess. Hopefully, time is all I need to recover.

(Many thanks to those who have read my post about my keloid, and have made suggestions on how I can fix it!)

Thursday, August 14

I can't understand how some people can be so honestly dumb, until I get to the managerial capacity. There are just so much things in life that aren't rocket science. All that is required is just common sense, to figure them out.

In a way, I'm secretly glad that I didn't pursue my teaching degree- I can't take pure stupidity! Ok, perhaps I actually should have... so that I can make a difference in the population that may fall under Category Insolvably-Stupid.

Or else, can someone tell me that it is my fault to expect someone to be able to pick things up after being taught for just once. But for God's sake, we are working adults, expecting to perform in a competitive environment! If I have got the luxury of time to repeat something over and over, why wouldn't I just do it myself instead of hiring a retard? Am I expect to show the leniency that I would to a 8-year old at elementary school?

The truth is, most people at my workplace have got way many more years of working experience than me. So tell me, what's so difficult going about figuring out simple things? I was NEVER EVER taught formally how to do anything at work before. Not even during my 6-month stint with KPMG as an intern! On my first job (not in the capacity of an intern), I could run the whole finance department from front to back without being taught, or shown much as well. Same goes for my second job! To have me sitting down with someone and going through the whole process, step by step, is a pure luxury! I have even taken the pains to explain the rationale behind things. What did I get in return now?

In saying that, I'm not trying to impress upon everyone that I'm smart. In fact, most of my peers could easily beat my grades in school. So really, it does boil down to common sense isn't it? Although common sense may not be common to everyone. But still... I'm tired... Really tired, and a bit worried that dumbness can be infectious! Hee...

Counting down to Singapore and Korea now! I'm excited, yet apprehensive.. I don't know what kinda mess would someone make while I'm not around. If judgement day should come anytime soon, please let the dumb-asses get wiped out first!

Sunday, August 10

I've been watching bits and pieces of Boston Legal lately. The well-heeled, beautiful characters have quite swept me off from my feet! Tara Wilson (played by Rhonda Mitra) is hot! I love her expressions and the way she folds her arms. Her tresses certainly kick off her business suits well with a sexy twist! Hee... And the intelligently-crafted humorous lines helped me to unwind a little! What's more, the show has inspired us, the professionals, can look as good as what we do.

I'm trying to work harder... But what did I just do? Watched another movie instead of moving on with my studies?

Thursday, August 7

Hard to believe that I'm finally at the stage of life where I realise and understand fully how it feels when friendships drift to the point of no return. The point where you tried hard to keep it alive, but things just wouldn't work out, because the difference in perspective has never been so great.

You start to feel as if friends has become strangers, and the happy days are far gone. I was feeling miserable over this for a while. But as those happy memories fade gradually, it's probably time to move on. Sharon used to tell me that man's greatest fear is loneliness. If I could ever overcome that, I'll find happiness.

I'm facing up to reality that I'll have to drop some friends at some point, and pick up new ones as I go. I think I found someone whom I can finally connect with tonight =)

I really really can't wait to be back, to catch up with people who still care.

Wednesday, August 6

Just feeling tired as always... I wish I could feel less tired. But I really can't help it if my iron level is inherently lower than an average person.

I'm getting nothing done yet. Haven't started on my Risk Management Reports, and not much of readings covered for my assignment either.

I just wanna get away soon. In a matter of a month or so, I won't hear from this disgusting place for one and a half week! How great! I miss my girlies. At least they're rare people who still remain quite the same as I have first known them. At least in my eyes =)

I'm invited to an "Undercover" themed party. Not sure if I really wanna go. I'm not too confident with social events for the past years. I don't why. When I used to be modelling with MC and JCM, I'd kill for any cool parties or just any chance to socialise. Not anymore. I don't know what to say to people, or what to talk to them about these days. It seems to feel so much better to hide in a corner. I just feel like I've turned into some sort of lonely, socially-unwanted freak.

Wish I could grab a drink now to calm my nerves and bring me away to LaLa-Land. Sleepy, sleepy, sleepy!

Come Friday, I promise I'll be knocking off early! =)

Friday, August 1

Very nolstalgic photos I've found from the webbie, from ex-NTU/ NIE students!

Presenting Hall of Residence 5... !!!!

Remembered that I stayed at the top level. So I had to climb 4 storeys, at least four times daily- on way to classes, on my way back from class, going down to the kitchen to fill my thermal with hot water, and then back again!

Shower time meant a battle to beat the crowd, and armed with a basket filled with essential toiletries, and a big towel! =)

Being the infamous Miss Nerdy, the library was my favourite hangout =P Was always lurking around, at the corner, near to the washroom. A drinking fountain can also be found close to where I sit. It was really the perfect spot for spending hours after school mugging for assignments and exams! I love the tall glass windows in particular, where I could rest my gaze on the pretty scenery outside every now and then. A reason good enough for distraction!

You can't get away with heaps of stairs and slopes around the campus. Dropping off at the bus stop near NIE's canteen was a nightmare! I couldn't even count the number of steps I had to climb, to get up to the canteen and then the library! No wonder I don't used to have problems keeping in good shape!

I should have taken some photos of the campus myself before I left. Of just where I used to live, study, play, and eat! Hey historians, let's organise a visit back to campus for the canteen food and proper photos! I'm missing even the painful 1.5 hours journey via train (and transfer by bus) to school! That is SO unreal! =P